Snake River Amateur Radio Club  

                 Canyon County, Idaho      Grid: DN13




What's happening at a glance:


The weekly net:

  Tuesday evening 8:00pm on:

     147.240 PL 100 +0.6MHz


     146.700 PL 100 -0.6MHz




Net Controls

this month:

     July 23  Matt KI7KZI

      July 30  Steve WB7VEQ

      Aug. 6   Bob, W7RLS

      Aug. 13 Craig KD5ODQ

      Aug. 20 John KD7HGS







Next club activity:

  Our next club activity will be the annual club picnic to be held at the Wilder Comminity Park on Aug. 24th from 10AM to 2PM. 

   See the "Current Events"      page for more details





Questions, comments, complaints or submissions  for the website may be sent to us at: 


































Latest site update:  

                   June 27, 2024


The next club meeting will be held

Aug. 24th at the Wilder Comunity Park during the club picnic 10am - 

2pm. See Current Events page for


      Club meets every 3rd Wednesday of the month at

    the Sunrise Restaurant, 2601 Cleveland Blvd, Caldwell, Id.


    Meetings start at 6:00 pm, with Board meeting at 5:30 pm

                       prior to the general meeting.    
















        Our next club activity will be the annual club picnic to be

      held at the Wilder Community Park on Aug. 24th, from

      10:00AM to 2:00PM.

     See the "current events" page for details.



                  Looking to upgrade?

           Ham testing information can be found here:







   Club By-Laws and Constitution   

     Club By-Laws and Constitution are available to all club members. Please email the webmaster or

    SRARC for a copy. This will save paper and ink by letting us send these documents by email

     to members who would like a copy.











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