Proposed Long Range Schedule - 2025

Jan. 24-26 Winter Field Day-Done
Wilder Fire Station 601 Patriot Way, Wilder ID. 83676

Feb. 8 Tech Day I
10-2 pm Caldwell Hubler Terminal

March 8-9 Idaho QSO Party
Idaho Power Cottonwood Campground
Info and reservations here:

April 5 Digital Software Day 

Caldwell Hubler Airport Terminal 10-2pm

May 3-4 7Lands QSO Party
Locust Park campground below CJ Strike dam
Park info:

June 28-29 ARRL Summer Field Day
Snake River RV Resort Homedale, ID
Park info:

July 12 Tech Day II

Caldwell Hubler Airport Terminal 10-2pm

Aug. ? Club Picnic
Wilder community Park 9:30-2:30

Sept. ? Tech Day III
Wilder fire station 10:00am - 2:00pm

Sept. ? Club Campout
River's Edge RV Park, Wilder, ID.

Oct. ? Tech Day IV
Wilder fire station 10:00am - 2:00pm

Nov. ? Tech Day V
Wilder fire station 10:00am - 2:00pm

Dec. 17 Christmas Party
Sunrise Restaurant, Caldwell Id. 4:00pm - 7:00 pm


NOTE: These are proposed activities.
Dates could change for the non-contest weekends.

Ideas are welcomed for Club activities. If you have an idea or a thought please let us know at: