Snake River Amateur Radio Club  

                 Canyon County, Idaho      Grid: DN13

 Below is the proposed agenda for the July 17th meeting.


SRARC Agenda July 17, 2024

Board Meeting (if held):  5:30 – 6:00 pm  

General Meeting:  6:00 to 7:00 pm


Call to order:  

1. Roll Call

2. Financial Report & Minutes from previous meeting


3.  Net Controls:            

          July 23 __________________

          July 30 __________________

          Aug. 6   Bob W7RLS

          Aug. 13 __________________

          Aug.  20 __________________


4.  Old Business:

          A. ARRL Summer Field Day - June 22-23 - Snake River RV Resort, Homedale, ID.

          B. Tech Day III - July 13 10AM-2PM - Wilder Fire Station

          C. Board sign trustee minutes move

          D. During Field Day go over clothing/sign items for club



5.  Active business:

          A. Club picnic Aug. 24 Wilder community park 9:30am to 2:30pm

          B. Tech Day IV - Sept. 14, 10am-2pm - Wilder Fire Station



 6.  New business:

          A. Raffle item - MFJ SWR/watt meter tickets 1/$5 or 5/$20



Next meeting: Aug. 24, 2024 @ Wilder community park 9:30am-2:30pm.




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