Reminder NET CONTROLS: Be sure and identify every 10 minutes when conducting the net.

QST! QST! QST! This is (______), Net control for tonight's Snake River Amateur Radio Net. This is a directed net, please do not transmit unless invited to do so by the Net Control station. If you hear a station you wish to contact, please break with the word "contact" and your call sign. Late and visitor check ins will be called for after the regular roll call is completed. HOWEVER, EMERGENCY TRAFFIC will be accepted at any time. Is there any emergency traffic? (Pause for 5 seconds)

The Snake River Amateur Radio Club holds meetings on the 3rd Wednesday of each month at the Sunrise Restaurant, 2601 Cleveland Blvd, Caldwell ID at 6:00 PM. All amateurs and friends are invited to attend.

Membership for a calendar year is $30 for an individual or $40 for a family membership. Payments may be mailed to Snake River Amateur Radio Club, 135 Mitchell Dr, Wilder, ID 83676, or given directly to the Treasurer at any club event.

The club's web site is Email is:

Currently, board meetings will be held 30 minutes before the regularly scheduled club meeting.

The Snake River Net meets every Tuesday night at 8:00PM on the 147.240 MHz repeater with 100Hz tone or the alternate repeater 146.700 with a 100HZ tone. The format of the Snake River Net is: check-ins, announcements, welfare, and equipment listings.

This is (________), net control for the Snake River Net. When checking in to the net, please check in using International Phonetics when giving your call, to ensure we get it right in the log.

We will start check-ins with the Board Members of the Snake River Amateur Radio Club:
Don, KC7U     Nancy, KF5WQJ      Matt, KI7KZA
Our Sec/Treasurer: Tony, KI7TMZ
Board Alternate: Bob, W7RLS

Are there any mobile or portable stations that would like to check in at this time?

This is (_____) net control for the Snake River Net, will club members whose call sign suffixes begin with the following please check in now:

(Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, Delta) (Echo, Foxtrot, Golf, Hotel) (India, Juliet, Kilo, Lima)

(Mike, November, Oscar, Papa) (Quebec, Romeo, Sierra, Tango)

(Uniform, Victor, Whiskey, X-Ray, Yankee, Zulu)

This is (_____), net control for the Snake River Amateur Radio Net. Are there any visiting hams for the Snake River Amateur Radio Net? If so, please check in now with your call sign, name and QTH.

1ST LATE CHECK IN: Are there any late or missed check-ins? Please check in now.

Are there any announcements for the net? Please check in with your call sign now.

This is (_____), net control for the Snake River Net. Is there any news of illness, well-being or welfare of a ham or friend? Please check in now with net control.

Does anyone have any radio gear or ham software for sale, trade, or wanted? Please check in now.

2nd LATE CHECK IN: Are there any late or missed check-ins? Please check in now.

(open net goes here. Additional info, trivia, tech net, other topics for discussion. Net control to deliver topic, or ask any member for topic for tonight's net.)

Is there any further business, questions or comments for the club or the net? Please come now.

(Net activity summary if you want here.)

When using our normal 240 repeater use the following:

"Thanks to the Voice of Idaho for use of this repeater tonight, we appreciate your service to the club and the community. Thanks to everyone for making tonight's check-ins! The Snake River Net will now close at _____ (MST or MDT) and return the frequency and the repeater to regular amateur use."

73 everybody, and have a good evening. This is (______).