Snake River Amateur Radio Club  

                 Canyon County, Idaho      Grid: DN13

For 2016 we were again at Three Island State Park. And the weather was a lot cooler this year then last year. When we set up the popups it was 77 degrees. Even Sunday wasn't too hot. When we finished the contest and disassembled everything, it was a manageable 85 degrees. There were 6 hams at the event: John, NO6Z, Bob, W7RLS, Steve, WB7VEQ, Bill, KD7FDW, Deb, KE7TMF, and John, KD7HGS. Mike, KC5KKX, and Terri, KC5KKY, came down to visit with us, eat food, and Mike made some contacts for us.

Like last year, we operated from solar powere, batteries, and 5 watts power. The sun was basically spotless prior to the event and band conditions were poor at best, at least for 5 watts. We made 107 contacts and a claimed score of 1300 pints.

We set up an information table with club information, a visitor signup sheet, and a letter we sent to the mayor of Glenn's Ferry. Unfortunately she didn't make the event. We did have several visitors during the day Saturday.

Steve, WB7VEQ, sat with his back to us at the other end of the row. Here he is taking a break from trying to make contacts.

With  five operators there was a lot of working space this year. Shown above are John, KD7HGS, Bill, KD7FDW, Bob, W7RLS, and at the end of the row, John, NO6Z.

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