Snake River Amateur Radio Club  

                 Canyon County, Idaho      Grid: DN13

      Field Day 2024

This year our Field Day setup was done at the Snake River RV Resort in Homedale, Id. They have a wonderful park and have been very accomodating for us whenever we go down there.

   As usual, we worked the event in the QRP catagory using battery and solar power. Things started off a little slow, with a lot of noise on the bands making it hard for others to hear our little 5 watt signal. Later in the afternoon the noise levels dropped quite a bit and we started to make more contacts.

When dinnertime approached, we were amazed at the quantity of food everyone brought. It made it difficult to get back to work, but we managed somehow.

   In the end, we scored about 2400 points total and had a great time doing it. Can't wait for next year. 73!

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