Snake River Amateur Radio Club  

                 Canyon County, Idaho      Grid: DN13

 The 7 Land QSO Party was held May 5-6. Again, we were at the Rivers Edge RV Park south of Wilder. We had a good turn out and, even though the bands were poor with only 20 and 40 meters useable, we had 169 contacts and over 11,600 points. It will be interesting to see what our final score was, Participants were Bob, W7RLS, John, KD7HGS, Craig, KD5ODQ, Bill, KD7FDW, Nancy, KF5WQJ, Steve, WB7VEQ, and Deb, KE7TMF. Jim, W7TF, came down to visit us. After several years it was nice to see him again. The water was still high but lower than in March. It did rise about 6 inches Sunday night after the contest.

Above: Bob, W7RLS is on the right and Jim, W7TF, is in the center. Jim didn't participate in the contest but it was nice to see him again. John, KD7HGS, is on the left.

Bill, KD7FDW, used an Elecraft K3 radio. It is a low power radio and, unfortunatley, he didn't make any contacts. But he tried.  

The operators: Nancy, KF5WQJ, Craig, KD5ODQ, Bob, W7RLS, and Jim, W7TF. John, KD7HGS, is hiding behind Jim, and Steve, WB7VEQ, was later in arriving.

 ^^^ RV parking at River's Edge really is where the name implies... ^^^

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