Snake River Amateur Radio Club  

                 Canyon County, Idaho      Grid: DN13

Bob and Steve are our cast iron cooks. It's something they enjoy doing and we love the food they cook. So, in appreciation of their work they received a small cast iron skillet.


We do a blind gift exchange. Everyone brings a wrapped gift, and place it under the tree. Then they draaw numbers and we open the gifts based on the number you have, starting with one. Steve chose a gift that turned out to be a Heathkit SWR/Power meter.

Craig, KD5ODQ,  received a miniture tool set.

Bill, KD7FDW, was the lucky winner of a miniture radio tube.

Bob, W7RLS, got some "new" reading material.

Tony, KI7TMZ, found a gift with a knife in it.

Rick, KE7PNW, recieved a Boafeng radio.

                       Christmas 2019

Christmas is always a special time of year. Besides family, we think of friends and hope they are doing well. Especially our radio friends. And of course it is the time of year to give them gifts from our closets that we clean out for this event. Some items were good, some so-so, and some just plan junck. But we have fun and enjoy the company. Below are s few pictures from our christmas party held on our Dec. meeting.



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