Our annual Tech Day was held February 24th in the conference room of the Caldwell Airport's Hubler Terminal. There were eleven of us who braved the sudden snowstorm on Saturday morning this year. We all had a project to work on or helped others with a project. Bob, W7RLS, and John, KD7HGS, dragged out their APRS equipment and made sure they still worked. Rob, W7BL, had an Icom HF rig that wasn't working. After troubleshooting it was determined the power supply was acting up. This was eventually traced to a broken wire that was soon fixed by Steve, WB7VEQ, and Rick, KC7UWJ. Craig, KD5ODQ, and Nancy, KF5WQJ, worked on their laptops getting them ready for the Idaho QSO Party. Nancy also got a lot of help from Tony, KI7TMZ in removing a ton of malware from her laptop. Bob, W7RLS helped Rick, KE7PNW load a bunch of ham software on his laptop and get it working. Steve, WB7VEQ acted as "Master Soldering Tech" and did several repairs on coax and equipment wiring. And last, but not least, the excess donut population of Canyon County was greatly reduced by days end. (An exhausting job, but we soldiered bravely through it.) |