Snake River Amateur Radio Club  

                 Canyon County, Idaho      Grid: DN13

  Software Digital Day

Software Digital Day was held April 20, 2019, at the Caldwell Airport Hubler Terminal. We had nine participants and we worked on several versions of Digital Software. We mostly worked on Slow Scan TV and PSK, using low power transmitters like hand held radios using VHF.. 

Rod, AC7GL, helping Don, KC7U, with his radio.

Bob, W7RLS, showing John, KD7HGS, how SSTV works.

Rob , K7OD, helping Steve, WB7VEQ, repair a radio.

Rick, KE7PNW, watching a SSTV picture being received on his laptop.

Bob, W7RLS, helping Don, KC7U, set up his radio.

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